Daily news is the compilation of news articles on a daily basis. It includes various topics such as political, economic, sports and cultural news. It is an important part of current affairs preparation for UPSC. It is important to keep up with the news on a daily basis to stay informed about current events. This is why it becomes imperative for aspirants to follow a comprehensive news analysis website such as BYJU’S CNA. Here, aspirants can find every day news analysis for IAS exam along with weekly news summary to make current affairs revision easy. The site also has a free online quiz to assess aspirants’ knowledge of current affairs.
Founded on January 28, 1878, the Yale Daily News is the oldest college daily newspaper in the United States. It is financially and editorially independent from Yale University, publishing Monday through Friday during the academic year, and a weekend issue known as WKND. It publishes several special issues each year celebrating Yale’s diverse communities in collaboration with the university’s cultural centers and affiliated student groups.
As the pace of technological change continues to accelerate, the newspaper industry is facing a crisis of survival. Across the country, thousands of journalists have been laid off, newspapers have closed, and vast areas lack traditional local news coverage. McKeesport, Pennsylvania, is one such community. Residents struggle to make sense of what’s happening in their town without a local paper, and they struggle to separate facts from gossip on social media. In this story, reporter Sam Costanza visits the city to learn more about how it’s faring under a new kind of disruption.
In a new era of digital disruption, the old rules of journalism no longer apply. Costanza explores what the future holds for traditional top-down journalism, and he introduces us to the citizens who are taking up the mantle, becoming our own citizen gatekeepers.
The rapid-fire changes underway at Tribune Publishing, the parent company of the New York Daily News and Chicago Tribune, are causing a case of the jitters for staffers and readers. The company’s new owners, cost-slashing hedge fund Alden Global Capital, have enacted buyouts, cuts and outsourced the newspaper’s printing plant since taking over last year. Shareholders are due to vote on the deal next week. Opposition is mounting, with three legal fights, multi-city rallies and written pleas from staff to keep the papers running.
The Daily News has a long history of breaking the most significant stories in New York City. The newspaper was the first successful tabloid in the United States and became a national sensation with its sensational coverage of crime, scandal and violence, lurid photographs, and cartoons. In addition to its front page features, the Daily News also offered an array of opinion pieces, investigative reporting and a range of entertainment. Throughout the years, the newspaper has had many famous editors, including Joseph Medill Patterson and William Z. Randall, and its offices have been in a number of locations.