The Daily News

Daily news is a curated briefing that provides context on what’s really happening, not just a collection of headlines. It features news & analysis on culture, science, sports, politics, business & more. It scour 100+ sources and delivers the most important stories and events of the day. More than 3.4 million people subscribe to receive Daily News in their inboxes, on their phones or apps.

The Daily News is a New York City newspaper founded in 1919 and the first successful tabloid paper in the United States. Its lurid coverage of crime and violence attracted readers. It also offered celebrity gossip, classified ads, and cartoons. The paper was once the world’s best-selling newspaper and had a circulation of more than 2 million in the 1930s.

Today, the New York Daily News remains one of the nation’s most popular newspapers. It is the oldest continuously published newspaper in the United States, and it maintains local offices in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, and Staten Island. Its newspaper offices in downtown New York, located in the historic Daily News Building (also known as 5 Manhattan West) designed by John Mead Howells and Raymond Hood, are an official city landmark. The building was home to the newspaper until 1995, and it is now occupied by the Associated Press.

In addition to publishing the Daily News newspaper, it operates television and radio stations and has a thriving digital news operation. The Daily News website includes an extensive archives of articles and multimedia, as well as a wide range of additional digital offerings. In addition, the website offers the ability to purchase individual issues of the newspaper or an annual subscription.

The Yale Daily News Historical Archive provides access to digitized copies of printed issues of the Yale Daily News. The archive contains more than 140 years of YDN reporting. Each digitized issue is searchable and indexed. The Yale Daily News Archive is free and open to the public. In 2021, an anonymous alumnus made a gift to the library in support of the digitization and enhancement of the Yale Daily News Historical Archive.

The Daily News is the premier source for Memphis business and real estate information. Each day, the News publishes comprehensive data about business activity in the metro area. This includes lawsuits, court actions, real estate transactions, business licenses, tax liens, mortgage foreclosures, deeds, and other publicly recorded data. In addition, the News produces several special reports each week that are available only to subscribers. These include the Daily Abstract of Transfers, a comprehensive database of property transfers; and the Daily Abstract of Land Records, an index of all land transfers in Shelby County. The Daily News also has a weekly column that analyzes economic trends in Shelby County.