New law isn’t a field that most lawyers are familiar with, but it is one that should be studied carefully. Developing a grasp on this concept can allow a legal firm to provide help in a unique way that can generate more business and improve overall client satisfaction.
New laws can affect everything from worker rights to the safety of college students. Some of these laws have even impacted the way Americans vote. New law is an important concept that all legal firms should understand and utilize if they want to continue to be successful in the future.
The start of the year brought with it a number of new laws that went into effect in states across the country. Many of these new laws address issues that are currently dominating the national conversation, while others are more specific to individual state residents. With the start of 2023, here are a few of the most interesting new laws now in effect.
Creating new laws is an intricate process in the United States. A bill can be introduced in either the House of Representatives or the Senate by a sponsor, who then works with members of that chamber to research, discuss, and make changes to the legislation before it is put up for a vote. If the bill is passed, it will then be sent to the other body where it must go through the same process. If both bodies pass the legislation, it will become a law and be published in the Statutes at Large.
In addition to federal law, New York has its own set of state laws. These laws are made up of the New York Constitution, laws passed by the legislature and codified in the New York Consolidated Laws, and decisions by courts that interpret state law. The city of New York also has its own laws and regulations that are created by the City Council, the Planning Commission, and other boards, commissions, and departments.
Some of the most notable new laws in New York include a raise in the minimum wage and a reduction in health insurance costs for small businesses. The former will help to reduce the number of working families who are unable to afford adequate medical care, while the latter will ensure that all companies in the state have access to affordable health insurance plans.
Other newly enacted legislation includes Matthew’s Law, which expands the eligibility for victims and survivors of crime to receive compensation funds. The new law, which is named after a man who died from an accidental fentanyl overdose in 2020, will also increase drug adulterant testing resources available to the public.
Other recent new laws include an amendment to the City’s data breach notification law to align it with requirements in New York’s SHIELD Act, and a bill that requires the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection to prepare a notice for agency employees and job applicants regarding student loan forgiveness programs.